We're experiencing exceptionally high call volumes and apologise for any inconvenience. View the latest on billing delays and support options. To report a fault, please use our online form.
Changes for real estate and financial institutions
We've upgraded our billing and payment systems.
We've moved our list account service to My GWW, a new place to manage multiple water accounts online.
If you manage multiple properties, for owners, as a real estate agency, financial institutions or similar, you will now be able to use My GWW.
Using My GWW, you can view and download your information and pay your accounts in bulk using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
Managing your account online
To use My GWW as a registered managing agent, we need some information from you:
Full name of the managing agent
Mobile phone number (this will also be used for multifactor authentication)
Email address
List of accounts that you manage (minimum of 5)
Please include the above information on a company letter head, and email it to GWWlistaccounts@gww.com.au
If there's more than one managing agent who requires access, we need an individual letter for each of them, even if they are from the same organisation.
Manage an existing property
If you aren't registered as a managing agent on an existing property and you would like access to My GWW, our online account platform, email a copy of your agency’s property management authority form, signed by the owner and agent, to contact@gww.com.au.
If you already have access to our online platform My GWW, you can also submit the managing authority document online.
Keeping your account information safe
We're always working to protect your personal information, and we need your help to recognise and avoid scams too.
If we email you, we will always send from an email address ending in gww.com.au
If we send you a text message, the sender will be GWW.
If you receive an unusual or unexpected email or text message from us, call 13 44 99 to let us know so we can investigate.
Always go through trusted channels to make a payment or changes to your account.