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documents supplied to Greater Western Water by an external party
You can apply for access to documents no older than 5 July 1978. However, if the documents are about your personal affairs, there is no time limit.
Not all documents are available but this should not deter you from asking for access as each document is assessed on its merits before a decision is made.
The FOI Act allows Greater Western Water to refuse access to some documents including:
cabinet documents
some internal working documents
law enforcement documents
documents covered by legal professional privilege (legal advice)
documents containing personal information about other people
documents containing information provided to Greater Western Water in confidence
documents containing information provided to Greater Western Water by a business
documents which are covered by secrecy provisions in other laws.
You may be refused access to an entire document or you may be given access to a document with some information deleted.
Part II Statement
The Part II Statement outlines the functions of Greater Western Water and provides an overview of the type of documents and information we hold in relation to these functions.
We aim to make our information and documents easily accessible to members of the public.
If you are not able to find the document or information you are trying to locate, you can search our website or contact us.
Greater Western Water is one of two metropolitan Melbourne's water businesses owned by the Victorian Government. Greater Western Water was created by the integration of City West Water and Western Water on 1 July 2021.
Greater Western Water provides drinking water, sewerage, trade waste and recycled water services to customers in Melbourne’s central business district, inner and western suburbs, as well as the north-west area of Melbourne.
Our service areas includes Brimbank, Hobsons Bay, Maribyrnong, Melbourne (north of the Yarra River), Moonee Valley, Wyndham, Yarra, Melton, and Hume and the Macedon Ranges.
Each year we supply over 93 billion litres of drinking water to our customers and transfer a large majority of the sewage and trade waste we collect to Melbourne Water’s Western Treatment Plant in Werribee. The remainder is treated at one of our eight Water Treatment Plants.
In addition to our core business, we have many programs and policies in place to help us achieve our vision to be a truly sustainable water business.
Our structure
Our business is managed by an Executive Leadership Team, which consists of the Managing Director, four General Managers, a Chief People Officer/Chief Transformation Officer and a Chief Operating Officer.
The Executive Leadership Team oversees policy implementations, the day-to-day management of our people, and the delivery of services to our customers. Learn more about our leadership team
Our Board of Directors are appointed by our shareholder, the Victorian State Government. Directors provide the Board with a broad range of skills to the business, including management, engineering, financial, legal and environmental expertise. Learn more about our board of directors
Greater Western Water develops and maintains a wide range of documents.
The types of documents include:
policies, plans, procedures and guidelines
briefings and reports, including investigation reports
registers and databases
permits, agreements and licenses
financial records
audio visual material, including CCTV.
Search our website for more information on these categories.
This is material that Greater Western Water has published or that is available for inspection. It includes our Annual Report.
Our Annual Reports provide an overview of our operational performance, audited financial reports and key achievements of the year.
There are no Greater Western Water subscription services.
What is Freedom of Information (FOI)?
Greater Western Water is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
FOI allows for people to gain access to information and documents maintained and held by Greater Western Water. The FOI Act gives people the right to request documents relating to their personal affairs, as well as information about any of the activities being conducted as part of Greater Western Water.
A FOI request needs to be made in writing to the agency that holds the documents being requested.
What will it cost?
Fees and charges are set by the State Government and include:
Fees and charges
From 1 July 2024
Application fee
Search charge
Photocopying (black and white)
Some fees may not apply. Please submit a copy of your concession or health care card and we will let you know.
If we estimate your combined search and photocopying charges exceed $50, we may ask you if you wish to proceed and, if so, you will need to pay a deposit.
Submit a Freedom of Information request
Before submitting a FOI request online, please contact us as the information may already be publicly available without having to make an FOI request.
If you still wish to make a request, you can make an FOI request and pay the application fee.
You will need to register as an applicant before lodging your request. This can be done using the 'self-register' option.
The fastest and most secure method to submit an FOI request is online. We also encourage this secure form of payment to help ensure the safety of your personal information and finances.
If you prefer to send your FOI request in the mail, please send to:
FOI Officer, Greater Western Water Locked Bag 350 Sunshine VIC 3020
Please ensure your cheque/money order for $32.70 is made payable to Greater Western Water. Alternatively, please email us at foi@gww.com.au.
How long will it take?
We must issue our decision within 30 days of a valid application being received unless that period has been extended in accordance with the FOI Act. Delays may occur if your application:
is not clear and requires further clarification
does not include the application fee
requires payment of a deposit.
The FOI Act requires Greater Western Water to consult with third parties about your request if the information contained in the relevant documents falls within certain exemptions. As part of the consultation process, your name and a brief description of your request may be provided to any person or body with whom we must consult.