Some customer bills have been delayed by technical issues. You will have four months to pay any late bill. You don’t need to do anything. Find out more.
Your water bill may be delayed due to technical issues with our new billing system. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.
Your water supply won’t be affected by billing delays.
We understand delayed bills can be inconvenient and we are working to fix these problems as quickly as we can.
Most of our bills are on time and have been sent as usual.
Some bills may cover a longer period than usual
Because some bills are arriving late, they cover a longer period and are higher than normal. To acknowledge this inconvenience, we’re giving you four months to pay a late bill.
We’ve waived some charges
We’ve waived all unbilled charges from before 1 April 2024. This includes water, sewer and recycled water usage. You’ll see this on your bill as a “delayed bill adjustment". Read more on the Essential Services Commission's (ESC) website.
Supporting concession card holders with a $50 rebate
We’ve given concession card holders $50 off bills that cover a longer period than usual. This is part of our commitment to supporting concession card holders.
We’re here to help
There are more options available if you ever need support to pay your bill. You might be able to access a payment plan or extensions. These details will also be on your bill.
Find out more
If you have any concerns about a late bill and you want to get in touch with us, please visit our contact us page.
You can also give feedback or make a complaint, by filling in the online form on our contact us page or by calling 13 44 99.
Our customer service team are here to help, but sometimes our wait times are longer than we'd like. Please treat them with respect. Thank you for your patience.
Frequently asked questions
The questions below only apply to your delayed bill.