Some customer bills have been delayed by technical issues. You will have four months to pay any late bill. You don’t need to do anything. Find out more.
We've upgraded our billing and payment systems to give you a better customer experience.
Managing Agents (formerly known as list accounts)
We've moved our list account service to My GWW, your new online account. For managing agents, this means you can view, download and pay your accounts in bulk online.
If you have any questions about setting up a new managing agent account, email
Managing your account online
Your new My GWW multi-account is here.
As a managing agent, My GWW multi-account will give you more control and flexibility to manage your accounts securely online, at any time.
You can pay accounts in bulk, view and download bills, and manage your requests online.
A new look water bill that's easier to read and understand.
You'll get a new account number.
If you currently pay a parks charge, we'll bill this quarterly from 1 July 2024 instead of collecting it as an annual charge, helping to even out your bills.
Managing a property
Submitting your signed Managing Authority documents
We need to verify the account ID information with the information we hold on file. Typically, we hold the following information:
Complete name
Birth date
Account number
Contact number
Email address associated with the account.
However, if we do not have these details on file, you could provide us the following information:
Previous managing agent
Current or previous mailing address
Last payment amount, method, and date
Settlement date
Full name of any additional account holders
Passport or Driver Licence Number
Please ensure you have this information readily available when you reach out to us.
To submit your signed managing authority document and other documents, please contact us using one of the following methods.